Things got a little bit crazier today. It started out with serenity as a group of Burmese monks marched to downtown from the North Side. Along the way they chanted prayers for peace.
At the end of the march at the security fencing on Liberty Ave. at Tenth St. the monks stopped and continued their prayers.

Group Prayer
Later in the day further up Liberty Ave. a group of protesters staged a march from Arsenal Park in Lawrenceville. Their stated intention was to head for the David L. Lawrence Convention Center downtown, but the police in a massive show of force made a stand at 32nd St.

Police Line
The police divided the protesters into ever smaller groups, diminishing their numbers and causing them to scatter. Some of the anarchists decided to fight back with rocks, bricks, and dumpsters.

Anarchists chase a police van with a dumpster.
In the end, some of the more violent protesters headed for Oakland. Others made a stand at Doughboy Square on Butler St. where after a while police pushed through and arrested anyone who was in the street and refused to disperse.

Police arrest protesters
There’s another march tomorrow afternoon and I’ve got a big assignment in the morning. Fun stuff!